{TRUTH} GOALS WITH SOUL Dear 2017, it's going to be SO good! (a mini Desire Map Workshop for 2017!)

By Shawn Marie Turi Events (other events)

Thursday, December 8 2016 7:00 PM 9:00 PM PDT

Here we are dear ones...

'On the threshold' of a New Year, and there YOU are, launching a business or expanding the one you have. Birthing a dream, starting your book or your blog or your podcast. Finally deciding to lose the weight or, finally saying 'yes' to carbs. Saying 'hell yes' to this or 'absolutely no' to that. Holding on, or of letting go. Wherever you find yourself, I'm right there with you.

TRUTH is The New Black, we're circling up one more time and in this workshop setting, I'm bringing you a Night of Desire Mapping. This 'mini-workshop, is designed to help you close out 2016 and with outstretched arms, welcome in and greet, 2017. Whether you're a seasoned 'Desire Mapped' or brand new, you're going to LOVE this  (New Year) dive into what it means to creates "Goals With Soul". 

** Included in this workshop is: 

  • Handouts + Workbook 
  • Signature Black Bag
  • Organic Wine + Delicious Nosh

So loves, let's do this one last time. December has always been a magical month for me and I can't think of a better way to bring TRUTH is the New Black to a final close. The New Year is full of possibility and desire and profound opportunity and this is the time of year we reflect, we say goodbye and welcome in the same breath. It's a time for transformation. I hope you'll be there.

I can't wait to see you.

Shawn Marie xo




About Shawn Marie 

As a creative + strategic business development consultant, Shawn Marie is a champion for entrepreneurs, for women, for artists, and passionate professionals doing really meaningful work in the world. She believes deeply that 'Business IS Personal' and she holds the space for others to be empowered by that belief. 

About TRUTH is the New Black

TRUTH is a conversational + fireside style interview, curated and hosted by Shawn Marie Turi. She has honest + captivating conversations with savvy, creative, innovative entrepreneurs, fearless artists, brilliant trailblazers, and benevolent rule breakers.

In a beautiful "SALES FREE" space, you get to be part of a genuine and inspiring conversation that goes deep, gets real and gets to the TRUTH of it all. The evening wraps with open 'all access' Q&A and there's no question off limits. We can't wait to see you!

Love. Always.

Team SMT xo

Q's: email us: [email protected]



Due to the curated provisions + customized details we make for each and every event (goodie bags + surprise treats + food + beverages + seating + venue) tickets are non-refundable, but they are transferable to another person. Just send an email to: [email protected]. In the subject line reference: 'Guest Name Change' and let us know who will be taking your place so we can get them on the list. 

Thank you and we look forward to seeing soon. 
Team SMT xo