DESIRE MAP YOUR NEW YEAR: Goals with Soul {a level one Desire Map Workshop}

By Shawn Marie Turi Events (other events)

Fri, Jan 6 2017 7:00 PM PDT Sun, Jan 8 2017 5:00 PM PDT

                                TRUTH + DESIRE: Goals with Soul

                            a Desire Map Workshop for the New Year

  "You don't need another resolution, you need a revolution and have I've got one for you!"

Danielle LaPorte wrote, "The word “resolution” is rooted in a beautiful idea that’s nearly 700 years old: in Latin, it means the process of reducing things into simpler forms." 

So how about "that"? How good would it feel, to start off your New Year... feeling MORE of how you actually want to feel? Connecting to the TRUTHS that are just beneath the surface, wait to be birthed? The MAGIC that is just waiting for your invitation? There is a much better way to create the kind of year you want. Less striving. More living. Less judging. More expanding. Instead of relentlessly pushing yourself to achieve goals and rather than making more to-do lists, what if... you did the work that feels clean and nourishing, that's true and deep and soulful and you did it in an intimate gorgeous space, amongst other supportive open Desire Mappers. How does that sound? How does that "feel?"

Here's the TRUTH...

A soul-connected resolution isn’t about trying to create a new-and-improved version of yourself. It's about loosening our grip and letting go of what has ceased to serve your fullness.

When you become uncompromisingly clear on how you desire to feel—the unnecessary stuff gets stripped away and the path to making stuff happen... gloriously opens up.

That’s the hidden joy of resolutions: they’re meant to be revolutions.

The Desire Map is a 'guide to creating goals with soul'. It's about "taking action". It's about bridging the gap between your desires and your intentions. 

The TRUTH + DESIRE Workshop is how YOU get there.

Together, we dive in and start the work that helps YOU identify the way you most want to feel, in all areas of your life, your work, your relationships and your art... which in the direction of your Core Desire Feelings! 

So... How do you actually want to feel?

  • In your WORK? 
  • In your LIFE?
  • In your BODY?
  • In your ART + CREATIVITY?

This has been one of the most powerful and important questions I've ever asked myself and the answers lit up my soul, radically changed the way I do business and profoundly transformed my life.

I wish that for you too. 

TRUTH + DESIRE {a Desire Map Workshop - Level 1} is an 'in-person' course, that starts Friday evening and wraps Sunday afternoon. Identifying your Core Desired Feelings (CDF's) changes EVERYTHING! It gives deeper meaning to the actions you take + the goals you set + the declarations you make. Together, we explore the beliefs you hold around desire, we loosen up that way you look at goal setting and we explore how you actually want to feel in all areas of our lives. 


                              That's what this entire beautiful thing is ALL about! 

By the end of the workshop, you'll have identified your Core Desire Feelings and you’ll have tools to support the way you 'actually' want to feel.  

  • Redefine:  Identify your core desires then learn how to use them as an anchor for decision making. 
  • Explore:  Pull back the layers and identify your current relationship with desire. 
  • Connect: In a beautiful safe space, connect with like-minded souls and start to identify any resistance or guilt or challenges you've experienced in pursuing your deepest desires.  
  • Expand:  Deepen your emotional vocabulary and really uncover the words that will support and anchor you to "how you MOST want to feel!" This is life changing. This is life affirming.  
  • Create: By the time you leave, you will have identified your CDF's and established some practices, to help further anchor your desires to your intentions to your actions.               

Who is TRUTH + DESIRE for? It's for...

Motivated + Imaginative + Passionate + Inspired + Resourceful + Uncompromising souls... who desire more. It's for Entrepreneurs + Executives, Artists + Writers, Coaches + Healers, Creatives + Go-Getters, Makers + Trail Blazers... who are 'really ready' to get clear on they actually want to feel. 

                This intimate workshop is limited to 8 remarkable DESIRE MAPPERS                                                                   so reserve your spot today.


Date + Time: 

  • Friday, January 6th / 7:00pm - 9:30pm
  • Saturday, November 12th / 8:30am - 5:00pm
  • Sunday, November 13th / 9:00am - 5:00pm

Your Workshop Includes: 

  • Desire Map Book + Desire Map Workbook
  • Organic Gourmet Lunch + Snacks + Beverages
  • Curated Goodies (from me to you) 
  • Yoga (Sat + Sun - optional) 

Cost + Payment Options:                                                                                        

  • Pay In Full: $750
  • Two Payments:  $425 
  • Three Payments: $285     


Want MORE?

Beyond Desire -- VIP Upgrade (optional) 

VIP Beyond Desire is about what comes 'after' inspiration. It's what comes next. It's designed to help you apply your CDF's to what you desire "more" of.  So, if you're mad serious about taking things to the next level and  if you're ready to go a bit deeper, this is for you.

During your private sessions, Shawn Marie will help you take action and map out a creative strategy, that further supports the way you actually want to feel. You'll gain greater clarity and you'll begin to implement and anchor your CDF's, in every area of your life and work. With her help, you'll design some custom solutions for creating more of what you really want in all areas of your life. 

If this sounds like it would be valuable to you (SM's time + thoughts + ideas + feedback) and you want some one-on-one time with her... you're in luck! If this feels good, she'd love to work with you and if you're looking for an unforgettable experience, this is for you. 


Private VIP Option Includes:: 

  • TRUTH + DESIRE Workshop (and all that goes with it)
  • 2-hour Private one-on-one session w/ Shawn Marie ($800 value)  
  • 30-Day Follow-Up Gratitude Brunch 
  • Organic Gourmet Goodies + Drinks 

Cost + Payment Options:    

Pay In Full: $1100
Two Payments:  $600 
Three Payments: $400

We can't wait to see you. 
Team SMT xo

 Still, have Q's? Email us to schedule a time to talk with Shawn Marie.  

                                               [email protected]


Due to the intimate and personalized nature of our events, we cannot accommodate refunds.

We can however, apply your ticket price towards a future gathering or event with us (within 6-months of event) as long as we have no less than 5-days prior notice. Just email us at [email protected] and we’ll take care of everything for you,

You are also more than welcome to gift your ticket/spot to someone else.